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- From: tmahood@netcom.com (Tom Mahood)
- Message-Id: <199403042013.MAA21821@mail.netcom.com>
- Subject: Lazar Technical Stuff
- Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 12:13:58 -0800 (PST)
- Over time, I've become very interested in the Lazar story, particularly
- from a technical viewpoint. Unfortunately, few of the interviews or
- statements he's given went very far into technical areas. What I have
- done is assemble all info I could find regarding Lazar's statements
- specifically on how the gravity drive operates, and to a lesser extent,
- how the crafts move through space (Please feel free to add "allegedly"
- and "supposedly" wherever you'd like!). I was looking for the overall
- picture, and also for contradictions in his story. Judge for yourselves.
- NOTE: Some of the interviews were simply question and answer sessions.
- In those cases, I took liberties of excerpting only pertinent questions
- and strung them together in the order asked and answered. In the case
- of the book and tape excerpts, there existed a certain flow, so I
- identified discontinuities by the notation [BREAK].
- Tom Mahood tmahood@netcom.com
- February 28, 1994
- ========================================================================
- ========================================================================
- On the Record, KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12/9/89
- George Knapp, producer/host
- Robert Lazar, guest
- Lazar:
- The first thing was HANDS-on experience with the anti-matter reactor.
- Knapp:
- Explain what that is and how it works and what it does.
- Lazar:
- It's a plate about 18 inches in diameter with a sphere on top.
- Knapp:
- We have a tape of a model that a friend of yours made. You can narrate
- along. There it is.
- Lazar:
- Inside that tower is a chip of Element 115 they just put in there.
- That's a super-heavy element. The lid goes on top. And as far as any
- other of the workings of it, I really don't know, you know, [such as]
- what's inside the bottom of it . . .115 sets up a gravitational field around
- the top. That little wave guide you saw being put on the top: it
- essentially siphons off the gravity wave, and that's later amplified in the
- lower portion of the craft.
- But just in general, the whole technology is virtually unknown.
- Knapp:
- Now we saw the model. We saw the pictures of it there. It looks really,
- really simple, almost too simple to actually do anything.
- Lazar:
- Right.
- Knapp:
- Working parts?
- Lazar:
- None detectable. Essentially, what the job was was to back-engineer
- everything, where you have a finished product and to step backwards and
- find out how it was made or how it could be made with earthly materials.
- There hasn't been very much progress.
- Knapp:
- How long do you think they've had this technology up there?
- Lazar:
- It seems like quite a while, but I really don't know.
- Knapp:
- What could you do with an anti-matter generator? What does it do?
- Lazar:
- It converts anti-matter . . .It DOESN'T convert anti-matter! There's
- an annihilation reaction. It's an extremely powerful reaction, a hundred
- percent conversion of matter to energy, unlike a fission or fusion
- reaction which is somewhere around eight-tenths of one percent
- conversion of matter to energy.
- Knapp:
- How does it work? What starts the reaction going?
- Lazar:
- Really, once the 115 is put in, the reaction is initiated.
- Knapp:
- Automatic.
- Lazar:
- Right.
- Knapp:
- I don't understand. I mean, there's no button to push or anything?
- Lazar:
- No, there's no button to push or anything.
- Apparently, the 115 under bombardment with protons lets out an anti-
- matter particle. This anti-matter particle will react with any matter
- whatsoever, which I imagine there is some target system inside the
- reactor. This, in turn, releases heat, and somewhere within that system
- there is a one-hundred-percent-efficient thermionic generator, essentially
- a heat-to-electrical generator.
- Knapp:
- How is this anti-matter reactor connected to gravity generation that you
- were talking about earlier?
- Lazar:
- Well, that reactor serves two purposes; it provides a tremendous amount
- of electrical power, which is almost a by-product. The gravitational
- wave gets formed at the sphere, and that's through some action of the
- 115, and the exact action I don't think anyone really knows.
- The wave guide siphons off that gravity wave, and that's channeled
- above the top of the disk to the lower part where there are three gravity
- amplifiers, which amplify and direct that gravity wave.
- Knapp:
- In essence creating their own gravitational field.
- Lazar:
- Their own gravitational field.
- Knapp:
- You're fairly convinced that science on earth doesn't have this technology
- right now? We have it now at S-4, I guess, but we didn't create it?
- Lazar:
- Right.
- Knapp:
- Why not? Why couldn't we?
- Lazar:
- The technology's not even -- We don't even know what gravity IS!
- Knapp:
- Well, what is it? What have you learned about what gravity is?
- Lazar:
- Gravity is a wave. There are many different theories, wave included.
- It's been theorized that gravity is also particles, gravitons, which is also
- incorrect. But gravity is a wave. The basic wave they can actually tap
- off of an element: why that is I'm not exactly sure.
- Knapp:
- So you can produce your own gravity. What does that mean? What does
- that allow you to do?
- Lazar:
- It allows you to do virtually anything. Gravity distorts time and space.
- By doing that, now you're into a different mode of travel, where instead
- of traveling in a linear method -- going from Point A to B -- now you can
- distort time and space to where you essentially bring the mountain to
- Mohammed; you almost bring your destination to you without moving.
- And since you're distorting time, all this takes place in between moments
- of time. It's such a far-fetched concept!
- Knapp:
- Of course, what the UFO skeptics say is, yeah, there's life out there
- elsewhere in the universe; it can never come here; it's just too darn far.
- With the kind of technology you're talking about, it makes such
- considerations irrelevant about distance and
- time and things like that.
- Lazar:
- Exactly, because when you are distorting time, there's no longer a normal
- reference of time. And that's what producing your own gravity does.
- Knapp:
- You can go forward or backward in time? Is that's what you're saying?
- Lazar:
- No, not essentially. It would be easier with a model. On the bottom
- side of the disk are the three gravity generators. When they want to
- travel to a distant point, the disk turns on its side. The three gravity
- generators produce a gravitational beam. What they do is they converge
- the three gravity generators onto a point and use that as a focal point; and
- they bring them up to power and PULL that point towards the disk. The
- disk itself will attach ONTO that point and snap back -- AS THEY
- Now all this happens in the distortion of time, so time is not
- incrementing. So the SPEED is essentially infinite.
- Knapp:
- We'll get into the disks in a moment. But the first time you saw the anti-
- matter reactor in operation or a demonstration -- you had a couple of
- demonstrations -- tell me about that.
- Lazar:
- The first time I saw it in operation, we just put -- a friend I worked with,
- Barry -- put the fuel in the reactor, put the lid on as, as was shown there.
- Immediately, a gravitational field developed, and he said, "Feel it!" And
- it felt like you bring two like poles of a magnet together; you can do
- that with your hand. And it was FASCINATING to do that, impossible,
- except on something with great mass! And obviously this is just a . . .
- And it was a REPULSION field. In fact, we kind of fooled around with
- it for a little while. And we threw golf balls off it. And it was just a
- really unique thing.
- Knapp:
- And you had other demonstrations to show you that this is pretty wild
- stuff, right?
- Lazar:
- Yeah, they did. They were able to channel the field off in a
- demonstration that they created an INTENSE gravitational area. And
- you began to see a small little black disk form, and that was the bending of
- the light.
- Knapp:
- Just like a black hole floating around?
- Lazar:
- Yeah, well, a black hole is a bad analogy, but yeah, essentially.
- ======================================================================
- Thursday, December 28th 1989: KVEG Radio Interview
- Caller:
- With the gravity generators running, is there thermal radiation?
- Lazar:
- No, not at all. I was never down on the bottom WHILE the gravity
- generators were running, but the reactor itself -- there's no thermal
- radiation whatsoever. That was one of the really shocking things because
- that violates the first law of thermodynamics.
- Lazar:
- In fact, I'm in the process of fabricating the gravity amplifier, but then I'm
- at a tremendous shortage for power. So yeah, I have even tried to do that
- stuff on my own.
- Caller:
- Is there any electronics as we know it -- chips or transistors?
- Lazar:
- No, nothing like that. Because of the tremendous power involved, too,
- there was no direct connection between the gravity amplifiers and the
- reactor itself.
- Caller:
- Are the wave guides similar to what we use with microwaves?
- Lazar:
- Very similar.
- Caller:
- In regard to the long-range method of travel, isn't a propulsion unit the
- wrong idea? I feel this device is creating a situation where it is
- diminishing or removing the localized gravitational field, and long-distance
- body that they're heading toward is actually PULLING the vehicle rather
- than it being pushed. Am I correct in this?
- Lazar:
- The vehicle is not being pushed. But being pulled implies it's being pulled
- by something externally: It's pulling something else to IT. IT's creating
- the gravitational field.
- Caller:
- Is there any relation to the monopoles which [scientists] have been
- looking for?
- Lazar:
- Well, they've been looking for the monopole magnet. But then this [the
- UFO force] is a gravitational force.
- Caller:
- What is the top speed of the craft?
- Lazar:
- It's tough to say a top speed because to say speed you have to compare
- distance and time. And when you're screwing around with time and
- distorting it, you can no longer judge a velocity. They're not traveling in a
- linear mode where they just fly and cover a certain distance in a certain
- time. That's the real definition of speed. They're bending and distorting
- space and then essentially snapping it back with the craft, so the distances
- they can travel are phenomenal -- in little or no time. So speed has little
- bearing.
- Caller:
- You've mentioned anti-gravity generator and anti-matter generator. Are
- they different?
- Lazar:
- It's not a gravity generator; it's a gravity amplifier. I Get tongue-twisted
- all too often.
- The anti-matter reactor provides the power for the craft and the basic low-
- amplitude gravitational wave, which is too low of an amplitude to do
- anything. It's piped into the gravity amplifiers, which are found at the
- bottom of the craft. There it's amplified into an extremely powerful wave,
- and that's what the craft is flown on. But there is an anti-matter reactor:
- that's what provides the power.
- Caller:
- I understand there's an antenna section in this device; what is the resonant
- frequency that that operates at?
- Lazar:
- The resonant frequency of the gravity wave I do know, but I don't know it
- off hand; I just can't remember it.
- Mark:
- Can you give me a ballpark, like 2,000 kilohertz?
- Lazar:
- I really don't remember. It's a really odd frequency.
- Mark:
- Is it measured in kilohertz or gigahertz or megahertz?
- Lazar:
- I really don't remember.
- Burt:
- You were talking about the low- and high-speed modes and the control
- factors in there. Can you describe those modes and what the ship looks
- like each time it is going through those modes?
- Lazar:
- The low-speed mode -- and I REALLY wish I could remember what they
- call these, but I can't, as I can't remember the frequency of the wave --
- The low-speed mode: The craft is very vulnerable; it bobs around. And
- it's sitting on a weak gravitational field, sitting on three gravity waves.
- And it just bounces around. And it can focus the waves behind it and
- keep falling forward and hobble around at low speed.
- The second mode: They increase the amplitude of the field, and the craft
- begins to lift, and it performs a ROLL maneuver: it begins to turn, roll,
- begins to turn over. As it begins to leave the earth's gravitational field,
- they point the bottom of the craft at the DESTINATION. This is the
- second mode of travel, where they converge the three gravity amplifiers --
- FOCUS them -- on a point that they want to go to. Then they bring them
- up to full power, and this is where the tremendous time-space distortion
- takes place, and that whips them right to that point.
- Burt:
- Did you actually bench-test a unit away from the craft itself?
- Lazar:
- The reactor, yeah.
- Burt:
- About how large is this, and could you describe it?
- Lazar:
- The device itself is probably a plate about 18 inches square; I said
- diameter before but it is square. There's a half-sphere on top where the
- gravity wave is tapped off of, but that's about the size of it.
- Jim from Las Vegas:
- On TV, you spoke of observing a demonstration of this anti-matter gravity
- wave controller device. And you made a mock-up copy?
- Lazar:
- A friend made one, yeah.
- Jim:
- I heard you speak of bouncing golf balls off of this anti-gravity field?
- Lazar:
- Yeah.
- Jim:
- And also about the candle, the wax, and the flame stood still?
- Lazar:
- Right.
- Jim:
- And then the hole that you saw appear --
- Lazar:
- It wasn't a hole; it was a little disk.
- Jim:
- Under what conditions did you see this demonstrated. Elaborate on this.
- And how large was the force field?
- Lazar:
- The force field where the candle was?
- Jim:
- The force field created by the anti-matter device.
- Lazar:
- It was about a 20-inch radius from the surface of the sphere.
- Jim:
- Where was this area, just above the device?
- Lazar:
- Yeah, surrounding the sphere.
- Jim:
- Did the sphere surround the device?
- Lazar:
- No, the sphere sits in the center of the device. It's a half-sphere sitting
- on a plate, and a field surrounds the half-sphere.
- Jim:
- And you just place a candle in there?
- Lazar:
- No, no, no. That was a separate demonstration. I'm just telling you
- where the field EXTENDS from.
- Jim:
- Oh, that's what I'm curious about.
- Lazar:
- No, they tap the field off using a wave guide, off of the sphere. And this
- is a completely different setup, where they had a mockup small gravity
- amplifier, and there were three focused into a point, and that area of focus
- was probably nine or ten inches in diameter.
- Jim:
- They displaced this area or moved this area?
- Lazar:
- No, it wasn't displaced; it's just where the field was generated.
- Jim:
- And in there you put the candle?
- Lazar:
- Right.
- Jim:
- And that thing can actually bounce golf balls off of it?
- Lazar:
- No, no. The golf ball thing, again, had nothing to do with that setup. The
- golf ball thing had something to do with just when the reactor was
- energized, before the wave guide was put on or anything. We were just
- pushing on the field; it was being demonstrated to me; and we just
- bounced a golf ball off the top.
- ======================================================================
- March, April 1990 (approximate time of interviews): "Alien Contact" by
- Timothy Good. Published by William Morrow and Company in 1991 &
- 1993.
- This book was also published under the title "Alien Liaison: The
- Ultimate Secret". Some of the Lazar info is a rehash of earlier interviews
- with Knapp and excerpts from his tape, however there is some new stuff
- and drawings by Lazar.
- ....The craft does not create an "antigravity" field, as some have surmised.
- "It's a gravitational field that's out of phase with the current one," Lazar
- explained in a 1989 radio interview. "It's the same gravitational wave.
- The phases vary from 180 degrees to zero...in a longitudinal
- propagation."
- Assuming they're in space, they will focus the three gravity generators on
- the point they want to go to. Now, to give an analogy: If you take a thin
- rubber sheet, say, lay it on a table and put thumbtacks in each corner,
- then take a big stone and set it on one end of the rubber sheet and say
- that's your spacecraft, you pick out a point that you want to go to -
- which could be anywhere on the rubber sheet - pinch that point with your
- fingers and pull it all the way up to the craft. That's how it focuses and
- pulls that point to it. When you then shut off the gravity generator[s],
- the stone (or spacecraft) follows that stretched rubber back to its point.
- There's no linear travel through space; it actually bends space and time
- and follows space as it retracts.
- In the first mode of travel - around the surface of a planet - they
- essentially balance on the gravitational field that the generators put out,
- and they ride a "wave", like a cork does in the ocean. In that mode
- they're very unstable and are affected by the weather. In the other mode
- of travel - where they can travel vast distances - they can't really do that
- in a strong gravitational field like Earth, because to do that, first of all,
- they need to tilt on their side, usually out in space, then they can focus on
- the point they need to with the gravity generators and move on.
- If you can picture space as a fabric, and the speed of light is your limit,
- it'll take you so long , even at the speed of light, to get from point A to
- point B. You can't exceed it - not in this universe anyway. Should there
- be other parallel universes, maybe the laws are different, but anyone that's
- here has to abide by those rules. The fact is that gravity distorts time and
- space. Imagining that you're in a spacecraft that can exert a tremendous
- gravitational field by itself, you could sit in any particular place, turn on
- the gravity generator, and actually warp space and time and "fold" it. By
- shutting that off, you'd click back and you'd be at a tremendous distance
- from where you were, but time wouldn't have even moved, because you
- essentially shut it off. It's so farfetched. It's difficult for people to
- grasp, and as stubborn as the scientific community is, they'll never buy
- it that this is in fact what happens.
- According to Lazar, the propulsion system he worked on at S-4 gives
- rise to certain peculiar effects, including INVISIBILITY of the craft:
- "You can be looking straight up at it, and if the gravity generators are in
- the proper configuration you'd just see the sky above it - you won't see
- the craft there. That's how there can be a group of people and only some
- people can be right under it and see it. It just depends how the field is
- bent. It's also the reason why the crafts appear as if they're making 90-
- degree turns at some incredible speed; it's just the time and space
- distortion that you're seeing. You're not seeing the actual event
- happening."
- If the crafts look like they're flying at seven thousand miles per hour and
- they make a right-angled turn, it's not necessarily what they're doing.
- They can APPEAR that way because of the gravitational distortion. I
- guess a good analogy is that you're always looking at a mirage - [it's only
- when] the craft is shut off and sitting on the ground, THAT'S what it
- looks like. Otherwise, you're just looking at a tremendously distorted
- thing, and it will appear like it is changing shape, stopping or going, and
- it could be flying almost like an airplane, but it would never look that way
- to you.
- "How close do you think you have to get before time distortion takes
- place?" I asked.
- It's tough to say, because it depends on the configuration of the craft. If
- the craft is hovering in the air, and the gravity amplifiers are focused
- down to the ground and it's standing on its gravity wave, you would have
- to get into that focused area. If you're directly underneath the craft at
- any time there's a tremendous time distortion, and that's in proportion to
- the proximity of the craft.
- =======================================================================
- September 22, 1990: "Ufos and the Alien Presence" by Michael Lindemann.
- Published July 1991. Available from the 2020 Group, 3463 State Street,
- Box 264, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Very good Lazar interview, as well as
- good interviews with Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe and Budd Hopkins.
- Lazar:
- I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the amplifiers always run at
- 100%. They are always outputting a maximum gravity wave, and that
- wave is phase-shifted from zero to 180 degrees. That's essentially the
- attraction and repulsion, and it's normally at a null setting somewhere in
- between. It's a very straight-forward system. It looks more like a coal
- fired engine than very hi-tech.
- ==========================================================================
- Mid 1991: "The Lazar Tape", 40 minute VHS videotape
- This tape, produced by Lazar is his "official" statement in the matter, done
- in a science lesson format. Although a little amateurish, it is still full of
- information and very worthwhile. Supposedly, there is a new version in
- the works, with full production values. Release date of this new version is
- unknown.
- "The Lazar Tape" is available from Tri-Dot Productions, 1324 S. Eastern,
- Las Vegas, NV, 89104 for $29.95 + $3.50 shipping.
- The following are excerpts:
- ...And there are two specific different types of Gravity: Gravity A and
- Gravity B. Gravity A works on a smaller, micro scale while Gravity B
- works on a larger, macro scale.
- We are familiar with Gravity B. It is the big gravity wave that holds the
- Earth, as well as the rest of the planets, in orbit around the Sun and holds
- the moon, as well as man-made satellites, in orbit around the Earth.
- We are not familiar with Gravity A. It is the small gravity wave which is
- the major contributory force that holds together the mass that makes up
- all protons and neutrons. Gravity A is what is currently being labeled as
- the Strong Nuclear Force in mainstream physics, and Gravity A is the
- wave that you need to access and amplify to enable you to cause space-
- time distortion for interstellar travel..
- To keep them straight, just remember that Gravity A works on an atomic
- scale, and Gravity B is the big gravity wave that works on a stellar or
- planetary level. However, don't mistake the size of these waves for their
- strength, because Gravity A is a much stronger force than Gravity B. You
- can momentarily break the Gravity B field of the Earth simply by jumping
- in the air, so this is not an intense gravitational field.
- Locating Gravity A is no problem because it is found in the nucleus of
- every atom of all matter here on Earth, and all matter everywhere else in
- our universe. However accessing Gravity A with the naturally occurring
- elements found on Earth is a big problem. Actually, I'm not aware of any
- way of accessing the Gravity A wave using any Earth element, whether
- naturally occurring or synthesized, and here's why.
- We've already learned that Gravity A is the major force that holds together
- the mass that makes up protons and neutrons. This means the Gravity A
- wave we are trying to access is virtually inaccessible as it is located within
- matter, or at least the matter we have here on Earth.
- The most important attribute of these heavier stable elements is that the
- Gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter
- of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own
- Gravity A field around them in addition to the Gravity B field that is
- native to all elements.
- No naturally occurring atoms on Earth have enough protons and neutrons
- for the cumulative Gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the
- atom so you can access it. Even though the distance the Gravity A wave
- extends is infinitesimal, it IS accessible and has amplitude, wavelength and
- frequency just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Once you can access the Gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we
- amplify any other electromagnetic wave.
- So, back to our power source. Inside the reactor, element 115 is
- bombarded with a proton which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom
- and becomes element 116 which immediately decays and releases or
- radiates small amounts of antimatter. The antimatter is released in a
- vacuum into a tuned tube which keeps it from reacting with the matter
- that surrounds it. It is then directed toward the gaseous matter target at
- the end of the tube. The matter and antimatter collide and annihilate,
- totally converting to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted into
- electrical energy in a near 100% efficient thermoelectric generator.
- This is a device that converts heat directly into electrical energy. Many of
- our satellites and space probes use thermoelectric generators, but their
- efficiency is very, very low.
- All of these actions and reactions inside of the reactor are orchestrated
- perfectly like a tiny little ballet, and in this manner the reactor provides
- an enormous amount of power.
- So, back to our original question: What is the power source that provides
- the power required for this type of travel? The power source is a reactor
- which uses element 115 as a fuel, and uses a total annihilation reaction to
- provide the heat which it converts to energy, making it a compact,
- lightweight, efficient, onboard power source.
- I've got a couple of quick comments on element 115 for those of you that
- are interested. By virtue of the way it's used in the reactor, it depletes
- very slowly, and only 223 grams of 115, which is just under 1/2 a pound,
- can be utilized for a period of twenty to thirty years.
- Element 115's melting point is 1740 C.
- I need to state here that even though I had hands-on experience with
- element 115, I didn't melt any of it down and I didn't use any of it for
- twenty to thirty years to see if it depleted.
- Now when a disk travels near another source of gravity, such as a planet
- or moon, it doesn't use the same mode of travel that we learned about in
- our science lesson. When a disk is near another source of gravity, like
- Earth, the Gravity A wave which propagates outward from the disk is
- phase-shifted into the Gravity B wave which propagates outward from the
- Earth, and this creates lift. The gravity amplifiers of the disk can be
- focused independently and they are pulsed and do not stay on
- continuously.
- When all three of these amplifiers are being used for travel, they are in the
- delta configuration, and when only one is being used for travel it is in the
- omicron configuration.
- As the intensity of the gravitational field around the disk increases, the
- distortion of space-time around the disk also increases. And if you could
- see the space-time distortion, this is how it would look....
- [Draws a side-view picture of saucer hovering above ground, with field
- surrounding it and running straight down to the ground. Picture a disk on
- the end of a pole, then throw a sheet over it.]
- As you can see, as the output of the gravitational amplifiers becomes more
- intense, the form of space-time around the disk not only bends upward,
- but at maximum distortion actually folds over into almost a heart shape
- around the top of the disk.
- Now remember, this space-time distortion is taking place 360 degrees
- around the disk, so if you were looking at the disk from the top, the
- space-time distortion would be in the shape of a doughnut. When the
- gravitational field around the disk is so intense, that the space-time
- distortion around the disk achieves maximum distortion and is folded up
- into this heart shaped form, the disk can't be seen from any vantage point,
- and for all practical purposes is invisible. All you could see would be the
- sky surrounding it.
- =========================================================================
- May 1, 1993: "Bob Lazar at The Ultimate UFO Seminar" at Rachel, Nevada
- A complete 27 page transcript is available for $8 + $2 shipping ($5
- overseas) from Glen Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel NV 89001
- Question:
- I'm interested in a little bit more about the physics of the power generation
- from the development of the anti-matter to the Gravity "A" wave and the
- amplification and the process of generation of that and being able to fold
- space.
- Lazar:
- Well, it's... I can give you, I guess, a brief overview of essentially how
- that works. If you want an in-depth description, you can give me your
- address and I can send you a paper on it. Essentially, what the reactor
- does is provide electrical power and the base gravity wave to amplify, and
- it does that by interacting matter and antimatter, essentially. The way it
- does that is injecting an accelerated proton into a piece of 115. That
- spontaneously generates anti-hydrogen, essentially. That's reacted in a
- small area. It's a compressed gas, probably compressed atmospheric gas,
- and the antimatter reacting with matter produces the energy, mainly heat
- energy, and that is converted into electrical energy by a thermionic
- generator that appeared to be 100% efficient, which is a difficult concept
- to believe anyway. Also, the reactor has two functions. That's one of
- them; the other function is, it provides the basic gravity wave that's
- amplified, and that appears at the upper sphere of the amplifier itself, and
- that's tapped off with a waveguide, similar to microwaves, and is amplified
- and focused, essentially.
- Question:
- So how is the electrical energy related to the amplification of the
- gravitational "A" wave energy?
- Lazar:
- The electrical energy is transmitted essentially without wires, and I related
- it to almost a Tesla setup. It seemed like each sub component on the craft
- was attuned to the frequency that the reactor was operating at, so
- essentially the amplifiers themselves received the electrical energy, like a
- Tesla coil transmits power to a fluorescent tube, and what was the rest of
- the question?
- Question:
- Yeah, in other words, what is the relationship between... I think you
- basically answered it.
- Lazar:
- Yeah, that's how the amplifiers receive the power and through the
- waveguide to receive the basic wave. It's almost...It's very, very similar to
- a microwave amplifier...
- Question:
- Was the local means of propulsion the same as this across-space
- distances? What was the local means of propulsion?
- Lazar:
- The local means of propulsion is essentially them balancing on a out of
- phase gravity wave, and it's not as stable as you would think. When the
- craft took off, it wobbled to some degree. I mean a modern day Hawker
- Harrier or something along those lines of vertical takeoff craft is much
- more stable than then in the omicrom configuration, which is that mode of
- travel. The delta configuration is where they use the three amplifiers.
- Those are the only two methods I know about for moving the craft.
- Question:
- When you listen to some abduction reports, whether or not people believe
- it or not, there seems to be a common thread of people being hit by blue
- beams of light....
- Lazar:
- Any of the three gravity amplifiers could do that, could lift something off
- the ground, or for that matter compact it into the ground. That's not a
- problem, because the craft can operate on one amplifier, in omicron mode,
- hovering. That would leave the other three (?) amplifiers free to do
- anything. So I imagine they could pick up cows or whatever else they
- want to do. On the craft I worked on there was absolutely no provision
- for anything to come in through the bottom of the craft, or anything along
- those lines...
- Question:
- So what was the course of energy? How did it go from one area to
- another area?
- Lazar:
- The best guess is essentially it operated like a Tesla coil does. A
- transmitter and essentially a receiver tuned to the transmitting frequency
- and receives electrical power. There again, that's not real advanced
- technology. Tesla did that in the 30s, I think.
- Question:
- You mentioned the photon earlier. Do you think that physics is taking a
- wrong turn by looking for exchange particles, when you're talking about
- the strong force of gravity again? I'm not clear why you're skeptical
- about the graviton?
- Lazar:
- About the graviton?
- Question:
- Every other force seems to have exchange particles connected with it.
- Lazar:
- No, not necessarily. I mean, they make it have one, but as time goes on,
- that really hasn't held true. The bottom line is, they don't...First of all,
- they don't even believe there's a graviton anymore, so I'm not the only
- one. As far as exchange particles, still, though some of them like the zeta
- particle, maybe that's an actual thing, but when they're looking at transfers
- of energy, I think these are scapegoats for the most part. A lot of
- experiments that I was doing at Los Alamos essentially was along these
- same lines, but other exchange particles like the intermediate vector
- bozon, I don't believe that thing exists. I really don't. I think they're
- grabbing at straws and just coming up with excuses.
- Question:
- What about the small gravity, the Gravity "A"; how can you detect that
- one? What is the frequency of that?
- Lazar:
- Well, the frequency that the actual reactor operates at is like 7.46 Hertz.
- It's a very low frequency.
- Question:
- That's the frequency of Earth's gravity, or universally, all gravity?
- Lazar:
- That's the frequency the reactor operates at.
- Question:
- I can understand a reactor functioning - theoretically I can understand a
- reactor functioning at, say, (unintelligible word) 7.46 Hertz. There's a
- waveguide involved. I don't buy 7.46...
- Lazar:
- No, that's the basic... The frequency of the gravity wave that's produced, it
- has to be higher frequency, because you're in a microwave range to follow
- a conduit like that.
- Question:
- I understand from Lear's lecture that it had a tendency to conduct on the
- outside also of the reactor.
- Lazar:
- Right. Well, that's all... this was the electric field we were talking about.
- The basic frequency, I think, was the way the reactor's operating. The
- pulses that we detected out of it were probably, instead of a straight DC
- power supply, it was more along the lines of a pulse, as if we were getting
- a burst of particles coming out: An antimatter emission, then a reaction, a
- pulse of energy, and that would repeat. That's about seven and a half
- Hertz, something along those lines.
- Question:
- Bob, the microwave frequency going to the waveguide is electromagnetic,
- or that's gravitational?
- Lazar:
- They're one in the same.
- Question:
- I don't understand what you mean by that.
- Lazar:
- Gravity is... Unfortunately, physics hasn't gotten to that part yet, but
- gravity essentially is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Question:
- Then what frequency is it?
- Lazar:
- That's something I'm reserving for myself.
- Question:
- Something about the microwave range?
- Lazar:
- Something about the microwave range. Well, you can sort of figure it out
- by the dimensions of the waveguide itself, and that's about it.
- Question:
- Positive energy versus regular photon?
- Lazar:
- No, it's not photon.
- Question:
- Electromagnetic Energy?
- Lazar:
- Right. I'm not trying to be secret, but this is part of the equipment that
- I'm working on, and I want to get it operating before...
- Question:
- I hope we'll find out one day
- Lazar:
- Absolutely.